Glycolysis is a series of ten reactions that breaks down glucose into smaller molecules that enter the cell's mitochondria. It is within these organelles that these glucose remnants are further decomposed into the waste products carbon dioxide and water. During these later reactions numerous molecules of ATP are produced. ATP provides energy for the vast majority of the cell's activities.
A point often lost when studying each of these reactions -- and trying to keep track of the various atoms -- is the importance of electrons and their accompanying hydrogen nuclei (protons). Essentially, the main theme is that these molecules are stripped of their electrons. These electrons are destined to take part in a series of reactions known as the 'electron transport system'. The electrons are usually removes from their substrates two at a time and accompanied by a matching pair of protons (hydrogen nuclei.)
It is traditional to follow the course of these electrons by watching their hydrogen nuclei partners and this often leads to quite a bit of confusion. Therefore, before beginning these tutorials it will be beneficial to get a firm grip on the various electron/proton arrangements.
The illustration to the right shows how a hydrogen might be removed from an organic
molecule. The 'R' stands for the substrate molecule -- whatever it might be -- the : is the pair
of electrons that forms a single bond between the substrate and one of its hydrogen atoms. The top picture
illustrates this situation.
If the hydrogen is removed -- to 'get at' the electrons bonding it to the substrate -- one of three things might happen:
Note that the hydrogen ion carries no electrons. These will become part of a 'pool' of hydrogen ions. The hydrogen atom carries one electron and you will find it will be 'transported' around by FAD molecules (see below). The hydride ion carries two electrons and will be 'transported' around by NAD+ (see below).
The terms 'oxidation' and 'reduction' are used when there is a transfer of electrons between molecules. The derivation of these terms is awkward and have been explained in three different ways.
If there is an electron loser then there has to be an electron gainer -- oxidation and reduction occur together.
Consider the number scale to the left. If a molecule has a +2 charge then gains an electron its charge will
be reduced to +1 on the scale. This is why the term 'reduction' is defined as the gain of an electron -- RIG.
Because oxidation and reduction
are the opposite of each other, oxidation must be the loss of an electron -- OIL.
The illustration to the right shows how reduction and oxidation occur together.
The 'S' represents a substrate and 'A' represents another molecule we will call an 'agent'. The 'H' is an
hydrogen atom attached to these molecules. The hydrogen is colored red to emphasize that this
is the atom to keep your eye upon.
The pairs of curved arrows coming together then separating mean the two reactants (S and A) come together then separate. When together the H moves from one to the other. The second pair of curved arrows means they can come together again and transfer the H back again. The first reaction shows the H on the agent (A) meaning it is the source of the H -- and it's electron(s). Because A currently holds the electron(s) it is called a 'reducing agent'. Upon giving these electron(s) to the substrate (S), the substrate has now become reduced but this leaves the agent 'oxidized'. Note the abbreviations (red) and (ox) on the curved arrows. To repeat, the substrate has become reduced while the reducing agent has become oxidized. Follow this same logic in the second reaction. In that case the agent is called the 'oxidizing agent' because it causes the other molecule to become oxidized.
Do not leave this section until you thoroughly understand and can use the terms oxidation, reduction, oxidizing agent and reducing agent.
Remember, an electron is lost from a substrate along with an hydrogen nucleus. Only a hydride ion (H-) and a hydrogen atom (H) carry electrons; the hydride ion carries two while the hydrogen atom carries one. There are two specific transporter that react with these electron-carrying hydrogen nuclei.
Flavin adenine dinucleotide exists in an oxidized and reduced form. The RH2 entering the top reaction arrow indicates a pair of hydrogen atoms being donated from a substrate (R). Because the substrate is always the 'main player' in reactions it will not be referred to as an 'agent'. It is the other molecule it interacts with that is called an 'agent.'
The intersection of the top two arrows represents the electron-carrying substrate coming into contact with a transporter (FAD). The pair of hydrogen atoms is transferred from one to the other. The 'main player', R, has become oxidized (OIL) so the transporter (FAD) must be the oxidizing agent in this reaction. It becomes reduced to FADH2.
The intersection of the bottom two arrows represents the reaction in reverse. The substrate, R, enters the reaction in it's oxidized (having previously lost electrons) state. The transporter is in it's reduced form FADH2. On contact the hydrogen atoms are transferred from one to the other. The 'main player', R, has gained electrons (RIG) and become reduced while the molecule that 'caused this' -- the reducing agent -- has become oxidized.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide also exists in two forms: oxidized and reduced. Only the reactive portion of this molecule is illustrated at the right. The "R" region indicates where the remainder of the molecule is attached and is of no importance relative to this discussion.
Notice the following in the illustration to the right:
In this reaction NAD+ acts as the oxidizing agent; it takes electrons from the substrate. In so doing, it becomes reduced and can serve as a reducing agent for some other reaction.
The removal and addition of phosphates are also common types of reactions though they don't necessarily have to occur hand-in-hand like oxidation and reduction. "Phosphates" are a group of small inorganic (not containing carbon) molecules that consist of phosphorus (P) with a double-bonded oxygen and three hydroxyl groups (-OH or -O-). The pH of the environment determines which state(s) will exist and, collectively, they are referred to as inorganic phosphate (Pi). At physiological conditions a mixture of the mono- and dihydrogen phosphates are most common.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) has a tail of three phosphates--- two teal and one red. ADP results when the terminal phosphate of ATP (red) is removed by the enzyme ATPase leaving only two phosphates behind giving the product the name adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The reaction involves the ionization of water to provide an hydroxyl ion (OH-) (blue) for the released phosphate group and a free hydrogen ion (H+) (blue).
Notice how close together the three double-bonded oxygens are in ATP's phosphate tail. The close proximity of these oxygens creates a dense area of electrons which repel each other. When the terminal phosphate is removed the internal "stress" from this charged region is reduced. The potential energy of the actual bond that was broken to free the phosphate ion is not significantly different from the potential energy of most other bonds. However, the literature often refers to this bond as 'high-energy'. This leaves the incorrect impression that more than a normal amount of energy is released when this bond is broken. Actually, this 'high-energy' reaction refers to the fact that there is significantly less 'overall' energy (including 'stress') remaining in the molecule -- now ADP -- than when it was ATP.
Continue to Glycolysis I.